Resolution sponsored by Senators Galileo, Bruening, Hastings, Morgan, Izard




Whereas,       the business brought before the University Faculty Senate is of vital importance to the operation of the University of Delaware, and


Whereas,       it is in the best interest of the University of Delaware that Faculty Senators make the most informed decisions possible at their meetings, and


Whereas,       it is in the best interest of the University of Delaware that Faculty Senate business is conducted in an efficient manner, and


Whereas,       insofar as possible, Faculty Senate business should be conducted in an open, transparent and straightforward manner, and


Whereas,       changes made to the University of Delaware Faculty Handbook potentially affect all Faculty at the University, be it therefore


Resolved,       that the following conditions must be met when a Resolution which changes an existing policy or introduces a new policy in the University of Delaware Faculty Handbook is acted upon by the Faculty Senate.  Any such Resolution that does not meet these conditions shall not be acted upon by the Faculty Senate.


                        1) The proposed Resolution will be stated on the regular Agenda that is approved by the Vice President of the Faculty Senate and distributed to Faculty Senators at least one week before the Faculty Senate meeting.


                        2) A proposed Resolution that changes an existing policy will have one attachment (referred to as “Attachment 1”) that states the original policy and contains a strikethrough of everything to be deleted from and underlines everything to be inserted into the original policy.  Additional attachments may be provided as appropriate. 


                        3) Attachment 1 to a Resolution that introduces a new policy instead will state that the proposed policy is new and not a modification of an existing policy.  It will also contain the proposed policy.


                        4) If the proposed Resolution is amended on the Senate floor, then it shall not be voted on at that meeting.  Instead, it shall be placed on the agenda of the next regular Faculty Senate meeting for reconsideration and will include a modified “Attachment 1” that incorporates the changes of the amendment. 



This resolution stipulates new conditions necessary for changes to be made to the University of Delaware Faculty Handbook.  It seeks simply to remedy undesirable situations of confusion and urgency that can arise in the Faculty Senate due to lack of the proper “redline” document being attached to a Resolution or by amendments from the Senate floor.