1. Please turn-off (or use airplane mode) all cell-phones.  Certain cell phones interfere with the microphones.
2. New senators should check their voting cards for accuracy, and record corrections, if any, directly on the card.
3. If a senator cannot attend a meeting, please contact Karren at x2921 or (karren@udel.edu).


4. There will be a Faculty Senate Open Hearing on Sept 26, 3p, Gore 104, on the question of whether ASL should count as a foreign language for UD admissions.


5. Announcement of proposal to amend Section I, provision V, Faculty Handbook, concerning “Regular Meetings of the Faculty Senate” to remove January as a regular meeting month, and allow variance from the first Monday.  Approval by 2/3 of those voting will be required.


6. Announcement of proposal to amend Section IV, provision 6, UD Faculty Constitution, to remove January as a regular meeting month. Approval by 2/3 of those voting will be required.


7. Anticipated items of business include:


A. A proposal from the Ad Hoc Calendar committee concerning a three year pilot program for fall 2013: there will be an open hearing on this.


B. P&T revisions: there will be an open hearing on this.


C. A proposed policy on Faculty suspensions (involuntary leave): there will be an open hearing on this.


8. Ongoing Senate Projects:


A. Ad Hoc committee on RBB, chaired by Tom Ilvento.


B. Compiling Faculty Handbook provisions which need updating, led by John Madsen.


C. Collecting Faculty Senate policies which do not appear in Faculty Handbook, led by Chuck Mason.





9. Three Guiding Principles:


A. Protect the interests of students.


B. Enhance faculty governance.


C. Promote excellence at UD, in all we do.