American Sign Language Resolution
September 29, 2011 – revised October 25, 2011
Whereas, the State of Delaware passed in Spring 2010 House
Bill 345 allowing American Sign Language (
Whereas, the Linguistic Society of America affirms that sign
languages used by deaf communities are full-fledged languages with all the
structural characteristics and range of expression of spoken languages; and
Whereas, our University’s strategic plan affirms the
principle that "The University of Delaware will foster a robust
educational environment in which all people are welcome and feel welcome—one
that supports critical thinking, free inquiry, and respect for diverse views
and values;" and
Whereas, the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign
Languages passed a motion urging that educational institutions recognize
Whereas, the UD Path to Prominence states that "Our
global initiative will embrace the diverse regions and people of the greater
Resolved, that the