Recommendation from the Undergraduate
Studies Committee (Fred Hofstetter, Chair) for
the following recommendations concerning double degrees
WHEREAS, students earning two concurrent degrees will have
met the requirements for both
degrees, including all college requirements even when the degrees are from
different colleges, and
WHEREAS, a policy revision in 2011 was intended to
apply to currently matriculated students who were simultaneously pursuing two
baccalaureate degrees, however, the unintended consequence allows former students to earn a second degree after degree
conferral of the first degree with as little as three additional credits and
the current policy does not require any
of the additional courses taken for the second degree to be taken at the
University of Delaware nor does it limit how long after the initial graduation
students may earn a second degree using coursework from the first degree and
most peer institutions discourage or do
not permit a second baccalaureate degree and promote earning a graduate degree
WHEREAS, the peer institutions that do permit students
to earn a second baccalaureate degree require earning an additional thirty
credits for the second degree
WHEREAS, to ensure the rigor and integrity of a
University of Delaware degree, be it therefore
that the University will revise the
current policy for earning a second degree to add the following: Once a student graduates with a baccalaureate
degree, to be eligible for a second degree, the student must earn at least 30
additional credits from the University of Delaware beyond the number of credits
required for the first degree. As
always, students are not permitted to return to complete an additional major,
minor or concentration without completing an additional degree.