From: Steinberger, Deborah B. []
Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2014 8:53 PM
To: Hastings, Steven E
Subject: RE: New Majors Proposals
Dear Steve,
Thanks very much for your response.
Regarding question one, we are
following the practice for undergrad majors in our department: regardless of
language, they earn the BAFLL (BA in Foreign Languages and Literatures) with
what’s called a subplan: Spanish Studies, French
Studies, etc. It’s the same thing (and this is probably even more pertinent)
with our existing MA programs: the students earn the MAFLL or MAFLP, and the
language/lit/culture they study is not even mentioned in the degree title.
Since we plan to add other languages, it would be much more sensible,
efficient, and consistent with current naming practice, to keep the name MA in
Early Childhood FL Education.
Regarding your second point, the minimum foreign language proficiency requirement for entry in the MA program is clearly stated in the admission requirements: “Intermediate-Mid on the ACTFL Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) OR 43 points on the Versant oral proficiency test.” Because aptitude and achievement vary widely from student to student, we will evaluate proficiency via the tests we have mentioned, instead of by counting courses. Our proposed 4+1s are designed to accommodate students who have had some high school Spanish, and who, like most, begin their Spanish studies at UD with SPAN 107 (Novice-High) or SPAN 200 (Intermediate-Low) depending on the number of courses they have completed in high school. Completion of a couple of additional courses (such as SPAN205 and SPAN305), or participation in study abroad program during winter or summer sessions, will help them reach the required entry-level proficiency.
I will consult with my colleagues
in HDFS and EDUC and come up with a sample curriculum for each, to demonstrate
that students will be able to reach the required proficiency level by the time
they enter the MA program. In the meantime, please let me know if you have any
further questions. Regarding your final point, yes, there are 6 grad credits
taken by 4+1 participants when they are still undergrads,
that “double count.” This is a frequent feature of UD’s 4+1 MA programs.
Best regards,
Deborah Steinberger
From: Hastings, Steven E []
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2014 11:38 AM
To: Steinberger, Deborah B
Cc: Helsel, Karren Ann; Swanik, Charles B
Subject: New Majors Proposals
Deborah – UGS recently reviewed the following proposals:
– MA in Childhood Foreign Language
Education, 4+1 option: BS in Early Childhood Education/MA in Childhood Foreign
Language Education (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment
budget statement)
MA in Childhood Foreign Language Education, 4+1 option: BSEd
in Elementary Teacher Education/MA in Childhood Foreign Language Education (attachment)
We have the following
concerns that need to be addressed before we approve them:
The majors are only for Spanish at the
current time. This should be indicated in the name of the majors. Future major
name can include German, Italian, etc.
We do not see where the “language
competency” to proceed to grad level Spanish courses is earned – are these
majors only for individual fluent in Spanish? If so, this
need to be clearly indicated.
Please provide a sample 5-year curricula
plan for each of these majors – to indicate that they are really feasible.
Our Committee found 6 credits that “double
count” is that correct?
We will reconsider your
proposal when we receive your revisions.
Thanks – Steve Hastings
Steven E. Hastings, Ph.D.
Professor and Associate Chair
Chair, UD Undergraduate Studies Committee
Applied Economics and Statistics
University of Delaware
209 Townsend Hall
Newark, DE 19716
Office: 302-831-1318
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