Checklist for Reviewing Curriculum Proposals
1. Does the form contain the proper signatures?
These are usually
found only on the hardcopy.
2. Is the effective date correct?
___. 3. Does the rationale for the
proposal make sense?
___. 4. Does the proposed number of
credits match the stated number?
___. 5. Are support letters necessary? If so, are they present?
___. 6. Is a resolution necessary? (Necessary for: establishing a
major, disestablishing a major, & a name change to any
program with permanent status).
If so, is it attached?
___. 7. Are any of the proposed courses
currently under challenge?
Are there any new courses
proposed which lack approval?
Are all the new courses on the challenge List?
___. 8.
Are the university requirements correctly specified?
___. A. Breadth requirement.
B. Multicultural requirement.
C. Writing requirement.
D. DLE requirement.
___. 9. Does the proposal need & have
a side-by-side comparison?