John, because this will be the last UGS meeting of the year, and because we are swamped with items that must make it onto this year's final Senate agenda, it is likely that we will not be able to take formal action on this item before the current academic year ends. Because I will be chairing UGS again next year, however, I can give it some continuity if we have time to begin discussing it on April 5 and then carry it forward to next year. Understand that since you waited until now to tell me about this, it really is not feasible for us to be able to act on it this year. I personally support what you are requesting and will see what we can do to deliberate and hopefully move it forward.


All the best,


On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 1:12 AM, <> wrote:

Dear Fred,

    Since you're currently the chair of the UGS committee,
I'd like to discuss with you the proposal I made in 2009
to require a minimum grade of C- in 100- and 200-level
courses used to satisfy specific graduation and/or
prerequisite requirements.  The resolution I introduced
under new business was seconded by Tom Apple.  Both he and
I were surprised and disappointed that it was not favorably
considered by the UGS committee in December 2009.  Last
fall Jeff Jordan suggested I raise this issue again with you.

   Best regards,
