TO: Senators and Executives
FROM: Belinda Orzada, Vice President
University Faculty Senate
SUBJECT: Regular
Faculty Senate Meeting
In accordance with Section IV, paragraph 6 of the Constitution, the regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate will be held on Monday, December 6, 2010 at 4:00 p.m. in 104 Gore Hall.
I certify that hard copies of the approval page for each undergraduate and graduate studies academic item on the agenda are filed in the Faculty Senate Office with the appropriate signatures of approval up through the Chair of the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education. The Agenda will be as follows:
Adoption of the Agenda
II. Approval of the Minutes: November 1, 2010
III. Remarks: Provost Tom Apple
IV. Announcements: Senate President John Madsen
V. Item for Discussion: Listing of Religious Holidays on the UD Academic Calendar (attachment) (attachment)
VI. Consent Agenda
a. Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request to revise the English Education Major (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (email attachment)
1. Unfinished Business: None
2. New Business: None
3. Resolutions:
a. Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter, Chairperson) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request to add a new Major in Ecology (attachment) (attachmentresolutiondoc)
WHEREAS, the Department of Biological Sciences has
expressed the intent to disestablish the Ecology and Organismic
Biology concentration under the BS in Biological Sciences; and
WHEREAS, the new Ecology major will be
interdisciplinary, with the Department of Biological Sciences supplying
training in the basic tenets of biology, and the Department of Entomology and
Wildlife Ecology offering courses related to the diversity, behavior, and
ecological interactions among organisms; and
WHEREAS, this major will be distinct from the
Environmental Sciences major, which is more broadly interdisciplinary,
encompassing geological and climatological aspects of
environmental issues, and from the Wildlife Conservation major, which focuses
on the application of ecological principles for conservation and management of
ecosystems and species; and
Ecology major would provide a broad background that students could apply to
many career directions including conservation biology, wetland management,
agriculture, forestry, fisheries, city planning (urban ecology), and community
health; and
WHEREAS, upon completion of the major, students
would be competitive for graduate programs in ecology and prepared to seek
certification in Ecology by the Ecological Society of America; and
Ecology major supports the 10 goals of undergraduate education and the academic
priorities of the University's stated goal to promote programs which engage in
cross-disciplinary (or cross fertilization) efforts to create integrated and
critically reflective solutions to the world's pressing environmental
challenges; and
Ecology major has broad support from faculty across the various colleges; be it
the Faculty Senate approves provisionally, for five years, the establishment of
a new major entitled Baccalaureate of Science in Ecology, effective
b. Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter, Chairperson) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request add an Honors Degree in Ecology (attachment) (addendum attachment) (attachment support letter).
WHEREAS, the BS in Ecology is being proposed to be implemented in Spring 2011; and
WHEREAS, an Honors degree option would enhance the degree program and provide the option for Honors program students; and
WHEREAS, the Ecology
Honors degree has the support of the Honors Program; be it therefore
the Faculty Senate approves provisionally, for five years, the establishment of
a new Honors degree entitled Honors Bachelor of Science in Ecology, effective
c. Recommendation from the Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Fred Hofstetter, Chairperson) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Jeff Jordan, Chair) and the Executive Committee (John Madsen, Chair) for the request add an Honors Degree (HBS) in Marine Science with a Concentration in Marine Biology (attachment)
WHEREAS, the State of
WHEREAS, we are a coastal state and as such, it is imperative to have a citizenry that is well versed in the issues that impact our marine and coastal areas; and
WHEREAS, there are currently limited opportunities for undergraduate students to study marine ecosystems, species and the rich biodiversity in the region; and
WHEREAS, a Marine Science degree with a concentration in Marine Biology best reflects the interdisciplinary nature of the field, and is philosophically consistent with our graduate academic programs; and
WHEREAS, The Honors Program is in support of providing Honors students with an opportunity to academically explore the field of Marine Science generally and Marine Biology specifically; and
WHEREAS, the Honors Bachelor of Science degree in Marine Science provides Honors program students with a solid academic foundation and a complementary pathway for success for entrance into graduate programs or careers in the field; and
WHEREAS, the Marine Programs within CEOE are internationally renowned academic programs taught by faculty that are leaders in the field, the Undergraduate Major capitalizes on this valuable resource and provides undergraduate students with an intellectually rigorous experience enabling them to emerge as the next generation of leaders; be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate approves provisionally,
for five years, the establishment of a new major entitled Honors Bachelor of
Science in Marine Science with a concentration in Marine Biology effective
Resolution from Senators Galileo, Bruening, Hastings, Morgan, Izard concerning conditions to
be followed when changes to an existing policy or the introduction of a new
policy are proposed for the
WHEREAS, the business brought before the University
Faculty Senate is of vital importance to the operation of the
WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the
most informed decisions possible at their meetings, and
WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the
conducted in an efficient manner, and
WHEREAS, insofar as possible, Faculty Senate business should be conducted in an open, transparent
and straightforward manner, and
WHEREAS, changes made to the
Faculty at the University, be it therefore
RESOLVED, that the following conditions must be met when a Resolution which changes an existing
or introduces a new policy in the
1) The proposed Resolution will be stated on the regular Agenda that is approved by the Vice President of the Faculty Senate and distributed to Faculty Senators at least one week before the Faculty Senate meeting.
2) A proposed Resolution that changes an existing policy will have one attachment (referred to as “Attachment 1”) that states the original policy and contains a strikethrough of everything to be deleted from and underlines everything to be inserted into the original policy. Additional attachments may be provided as appropriate.
3) Attachment 1 to a Resolution that introduces a new policy instead will state that the proposed policy is new and not a modification of an existing policy. It will also contain the proposed policy.
4) If the proposed Resolution is amended on the Senate floor, then it shall not be voted on at that meeting. Instead, it shall be placed on the agenda of the next regular Faculty Senate meeting for reconsideration and will include a modified “Attachment 1” that incorporates the changes of the amendment.
VIII. Introduction of New Business:
Such items as may come before the Senate. (No motion introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.)