TO: Senators and Executives
FROM: Charles E. Mason, Vice President
University Faculty Senate
SUBJECT: Regular
Faculty Senate Meeting
accordance with Section IV, paragraph 6 of the Constitution, the regular
meeting of the University Faculty Senate will be held on Monday, March 2nd at
I certify that hard copies of the approval page for each undergraduate and graduate studies academic item on the agenda are filed in the Faculty Senate Office with the appropriate signatures of approval up through the Chair of the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education. The Agenda will be as follows:
Adoption of the Agenda
II. Approval of the Minutes: February 9, 2009
III. Remarks: Provost Dan Rich
Senate President Amy Johnson
Items For
Information: DLE update – John
Madsen, Chair, Undergraduate Studies
VI. Consent Agenda:
for Challenge:
a. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request to add a minor in Human Development and Family Studies (attachment)
b. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request to add a minor in Urban Education (attachment)
c. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the Elementary Teacher Education Major (attachment)
d. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request to add a minor of Leisure Service Management (attachment)
e. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BAFL Foreign Language Education Concentration (attachment)
f. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BAFL Spanish Studies Concentration (attachment)
g. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BAMS – add Concentration in Black Art, Literature and Culture Studies (attachment)
h. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BAMS – add Concentration in Black Gender Study (attachment)
i. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BAMS – add Concentration in Law, Public Policy and Social Justice (attachment)
j. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BAMS Major (attachment)
k. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BAMS Minor (attachment)
l. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the American History Concentrations (attachment)
m. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the BA in History (attachment)
n. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request to delete History Journalism Concentration BA degree (attachment)
o. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the European History Concentration (attachment)
p. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the World History Concentration (attachment)
q. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request to delete the Food Marketing Concentration in the Food and Agribusiness Management Major (attachment) (attachment)
r. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request to add a Minor: International Business Studies (attachment) (attachment)
s. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the Minor in Business Administration (attachment)
t. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request to add a minor in Exercise Science (attachment)
u. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Paul Mettler, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the Request for Nursing Program Changes (attachment)
v. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Paul Mettler, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the Nurse Practitioner Program (attachment)
w. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Paul Mettler, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision and to rename the New Venture Creation Concentration in MBA Program (attachment)
x. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Paul Mettler, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request to create Certificate in Computational Sciences and Engineering (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)
y. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Paul Mettler, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the MS in Applied Mathematics (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)
z. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Paul Mettler, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the PhD in Applied Mathematics (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)
aa. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Paul Mettler, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the MS in Mathematics (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)
bb. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Paul Mettler, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the PhD in Mathematics (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)
cc. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Paul Mettler, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request to change the name of the MS in AG and Tech Ed to Agriculture Education (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)
dd. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Paul Mettler, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request to change the name of the ENEP Program (attachment)
ee. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Paul Mettler, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision the MS in Accounting Degree Requirements (attachment)
ff. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) and the Committee on Graduate Studies (Paul Mettler, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request for a 4+1 Concentration BS/MS in Accounting (attachment)
gg. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Paul Mettler, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the revision to the degree requirements to the MS in Finance (attachment)
1. Unfinished Business: None
2. New Business: None
a. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Paul Mettler, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request for Permanent Status to the MS in OEDC combined program with revisions (attachment) (attachment)
Whereas, the MS in OEDC Program was
provisionally approved on
Whereas, at the end of the provisional period a PSPR review team has recommended that the MS in OEDC Program be given permanent status, and
Whereas, student interest in the program has been demonstrated by the actual enrollment as compared to the projected enrollment, be it therefore
Resolved, that the Faculty Senate recommends that, effective immediately, the Master of Science in Organizational Effectiveness, Development and Change (MS in OEDC) program is granted permanent status.
b. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Paul Mettler, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request for Permanent Status to the MBA in OEDC combined program with revisions (attachment) (attachment)
Whereas, the MBA/MS in OEDC Dual Degree Program
was provisionally approved on
Whereas, at the end of the provisional period a PSPR review team recommended that the MBA/MS in OEDC Dual Degree Program be given permanent status, and
Whereas, student interest in the program has been demonstrated by the actual enrollment as compared to the projected enrollment, be it therefore
Resolved, that the Faculty Senate recommends that, effective immediately, the Master in Business Administration/Master of Science in Organizational Effectiveness, Development and Change (MBA/MS in OEDC) dual degree program is granted permanent status.
c. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Paul Mettler, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request for a new Accounting MS/MBA duel degree program (attachment)
Whereas, the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics has offered a successful program for the Master of Science in Accounting providing students basic graduate level knowledge in this profession, and
Whereas, the Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics has offered a successful Master of Business Administration degree, providing graduate level students with the knowledge necessary to navigate in the business administration setting, and
Whereas, there has been many inquiries over the last several years from individuals with accounting back-grounds who are interested in continuing their accounting education while complementing it with core business administration knowledge, and
Whereas, a dual degree program for the Master of Science in Accounting and Master of Business Administration will provide students with the necessary skills to broaden their accounting knowledge while gaining a detailed understanding of the business administration environment, be it therefore
Resolved, that the Faculty Senate recommends that a new dual degree program be established which will simultaneously award a Master of Science in Accounting and a Master of Business Administration.
d. Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Paul Mettler, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request to add a new MS in Evaluation (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)
Whereas, the proposed MS in Evaluation provides a unique interdisciplinary degree that
supports the Academic Priority of strengthening graduate programs in areas of
demonstrated comparative advantage and contributes to The Professional
Education Initiative outlined in the Strategic Planning Report issued in April
2008, and
Whereas, it
meets community need demonstrated by the existence of two thriving regional
affiliates of the American Evaluation Association (the Eastern Evaluation
Research Society and the Washington Evaluators), the large number of evaluation
projects engaged in by CHEP’s public service centers
(e.g., Center for Community Research & Service, Delaware Education Research
& Development Center, and the Center for Disability Services), and the
proximity of major employers (state and federal agencies, nonprofit agencies,
and foundations), and
Whereas, has
a comparative advantage as the first truly interdisciplinary evaluation
graduate program in the mid-Atlantic and one of only three in the
Whereas, it will
be a collaboration of the
Resolved, that the Faculty Senate recommends approval provisionally, for five years, the establishment of a new major leading to the MS degree in Evaluation, effective September 1, 2009.
e. Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (John Madsen, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Cihan Cobanoglu, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Amy Johnson, Chair) for the request to add a new Major: BS Neuroscience (attachment) (attachment)
Whereas, the
Whereas, we believe a new Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience major will best serve the University and undergraduate students as they will now graduate with a dedicated degree in Neuroscience, and
Whereas, the new degree will fit well with the University’s new interdisciplinary education and health initiatives, be it therefore
Resolved, that the Faculty Senate recommends approval provisionally, for five years, the establishment of a new major leading to the BS degree in Neuroscience in the college of Arts and Sciences.
of New Business:
Such items as may come before the Senate. (No motion introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.)