MAY 1, 2006 – 104 GORE HALL





April 22, 2005



TO:                  Senators and Executives


FROM:            Joann Browning, Vice President   Joann Browning

                        University Faculty Senate


SUBJECT:       Regular Faculty Senate Meeting May 1, 2006


            In accordance with Section IV, paragraph 6 of the Constitution, the regular meeting of the University Faculty Senate will be held on Monday, May 1, 2006 at 4:00 p.m. in room 104 Gore Hall. 


I certify that hard copies of the approval page for each undergraduate and graduate studies academic item on the agenda are filed in the Faculty Senate Office with the appropriate signatures of approval up through the Chair of the Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education.  The Agenda will be as follows:





I.                   Adoption of the Agenda


II.                Approval of the Minutes: April 3, 2006


III.             Election of Senate Officers and Selected Committee Members – A slate of nominations prepared by the Committee on Committees and Nominations (Eric Rise, Chairperson) is presented in Attachment 1.  Biographies of the nominees are presented in Attachment 2.  Senators are reminded that additional nominations may be made from the floor and that senators making such nominations are responsible for determining that a nominee would serve if elected.


a.       President Elect – Alan Fox  (Statement)

b.      Vice President – Jinfa Cai and Carmine Balascio

c.       Committee on Committees Chairperson – Margaret Birney and Robert Opila


IV.             Remarks:  Provost Dan Rich



V.                 Announcements: Senate President Avron Abraham


VI.              Consent Agenda


A.     Announcements for Challenge: 


1.      Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Douglas Buttrey, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Dallas Hoover, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Avron Abraham, Chair) for the revision to the major in Animal Science (attachment)


2.      Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Charles Mason, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Dallas Hoover, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Avron Abraham, Chair) for the revision to the MS in Applied Mathematics (attachment –1) (policy, attachment –2)


3.      Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Charles Mason, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Dallas Hoover, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Avron Abraham, Chair)  for the revision to the MS in Mathematics (attachment –1)


4.       Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Charles Mason, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Dallas Hoover, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Avron Abraham, Chair)  for the revision to the PhD in Applied Mathematics (attachment –1)


5.      Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Charles Mason, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Dallas Hoover, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Avron Abraham, Chair)  for the revision to the PhD in Mathematics (attachment –1)



B.     Resolutions:


1.      Recommendation from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies (Douglas Buttrey, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Dallas Hoover, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Avron Abraham, Chair) for approval of permanent status for the B.A. in Continental European Studies  (attachment)  (attachment)


Whereas     the B.A. in Continental European Studies was granted provisional approval by the Faculty Senate on March 2, 1998; and


Whereas     the review for permanent status was successfully completed in 2005-2006; be it therefore


Resolved,   that the B.A. in Continental European Studies be granted permanent status.       


2.      Recommendation from the Committee on Graduate Studies (Charles Mason, Chair) with the concurrence of the Coordinating Committee on Education (Dallas Hoover, Chair) and the Executive Committee (Avron Abraham, Chair) for an extension of provisional status to the MS in Health Promotion    (attachment-1)


Whereas,    the M.S. in Health Promotion was granted provisional approval by the Faculty Senate in September1998, and


Whereas,    the review for permanent status was conducted in 2006, where the graduate committee requested additional information regarding the program, be it therefore:


Resolved,   that the M.S. in Health Promotion be granted a one year extension to their provisional status.

     VIII.   Regular Agenda


A.                 Old Business: 


1.   Appointments for Confirmation (attachment) 


B.                 New Business: None 


IX.        Introduction of New Business

Such items as may come before the Senate.  (No motion introduced under new business, except a motion to refer to committee, shall be acted upon until the next meeting of the Senate.)



