Faculty Senate Coordinating Committee on Education
Monday, November 20,
(Faculty Senate Conference Room)
I. Old
Business: From Coordinating Committee
a. Request for a new undergraduate degree: BS in Psychology (attachment) (attachment)
II. New Business:
a. Revision of the MS in Wildlife Ecology (attachment)
b. Proposed Name Change of the MS in “Entomology and Applied Ecology” to MS in “Entomology” as well as Revision of the Major and Elimination of the Concentrations (attachment)
c. Proposed Name Change of the PhD in “Entomology and Applied Ecology” to PhD in “Entomology and Wildlife Ecology” (attachment)
d. Establish Two New Concentrations for the PhD in “Entomology and Wildlife Ecology”: One in Entomology and One in Wildlife Ecology (attachment)
e. Permanent approval for Hotel, Resturant, and Institutional Managment- (attachment 1) (attachment 2) (attachment 3) (attachment 4)
Request for a revision to the minor in Wildlife
Conservation (attachment)
Request for a revision to the Bachelor of Mechanical
Engineering – BME (attachment)
Request for the addition of a Biomedical Engineering
minor and deleting the Biomedical Engineering Concentration within Mechanical
Engineering (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)
i. Request for an extension to the provisional status of the MS Program in Health Services Administration (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment) (attachment)
III. Other:
IV. Adjournment: