University Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
A. Old Business:
1. Revise major/concentration: Modify breadth requirement regarding Nutrition and Exercise Science:
a. Biomechanics and Motor Control Concentration
a. Exercise Physiology Concentration (attachment)
2. Revision to the Biomechanics and Motor Control Concentration and Exercise Physiology Concentration: Remove HESC 250 and revise for DLE (attachment)
3. Revise major/concentration: Modify breadth requirements regarding Nutrition: Sport Management (attachment)
4. Revise major/concentration: Modify breadth requirement regarding Nutrition: Health Behavior Science (attachment)
5. Revise major/concentration: Modify breadth requirement regarding Nutrition: Health and Physical Education (attachment)
6. Revise major/concentration: Modify breadth requirement regarding Nutrition: Athletic Training (attachment)
7. Revise the degree program with a concentration in Biotechnology (revised attachment)
Request to create a new major in Animal and Food
Sciences (attachment) 8
through 13 were all submitted on one document. They have now separated them out
as requested by the committee.
9. Request to create a new major in Pre-Veterinary Medicine and Animal Biosciences (attachment)
10. Request to delete the major and concentrations in Animal Science (attachment)
11. Request to delete the major and concentrations in Food Science (attachment)
12. Request to create a new major in Food Science (attachment) (resolution doc)
13. Request for a Rubric Change (approved by VP Havidan) (attachment)
14. This is
coming from the 01/18/08 meeting, I've received some answers to
our questions, but not new senate forms for the following items:
Revision to the IFST BS major:
Human Services/Administration and
Familty Studies:
15. Revision to the major: Early Childhood Education BS
16. Revision to the IFST major: Human Services/Clinical Services
B. New Business: None
C. Other: DLE discussion
D. Adjournment: