University Faculty Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies
I. Old Business:
Restricted Majors at
b. Request to revise Minor to include an option with language: International Business Minor/International Business Minor w/ Language (attachment) (attachment) Approved as is
c. Request to add a Minor: International Business Studies (attachment) (attachment) Approved w/ request for more information. John will send email
d. Request to revise a Minor in Business Administration (attachment) (attachment) Approved w/ request for more information. John will send email
e. Update on Status of Multicultural Course Reviews Will review these in January
f. Update on Status of DLE Course Reviews All courses were circulated. Partners and courses were assigned (See Karrens notes in file)
g. Update on Status of FYE Course Reviews John will look at these. Eleven are currently ready
II. New Business:
a. Request to add a new Major: BS Neuroscience (attachment) - Hold until next meeting
b. Request to add a new Minor: Dance (attachment) Hold until next meeting
c. Revision to the BS Psychology Major (attachment) Approved. Old course should be deleted
d. Revision to the BS Chemistry Major (attachment) Approved w/ clarification. Check FYE course
e. Revision to the BA Chemistry Major (attachment) Approved w/ clarification. Check FYE course
f. Revision to the BA Chemistry Major (XCE) (attachment) Approved w/ questions
g. Revision to the BS Biochemistry Major (attachment) Approved. Check FYE course
h. Request to add a minor in Human Development and Family Studies (attachment) Hold until next meeting
i. Request to revise Concentration/Policy Change (attachment) Approved when qualification problem is solved
j. Request to revise the major in Fashion Merchandising ( attachment) Approved
k. Request to add a minor in Fashion History and Culture (attachment) Approved
l. Request to revise Apparel Design Major (attachment) Approved
m. Request to add a minor in Urban Education ( attachment) Hold until next meeting
n. Request to revise Elementary Teacher Education Major (attachment) Hold until next meeting
o. Request to revise Educational Studies Minor (attachment) Approved
p. Request to revise the degree requirements in Finance (attachment) Approved
q. Request to revise the Bachelor of Computer Engineering degree program (attachment) Approved
r. Request to revise the Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree program (attachment) Approved
I. Other: Karren will send email to schedule next meeting